The Gallbladder Flush

Cleanse your body, improve energy regain vitality. Opens for enrollment Feb/Mar 2025.



The Gallbladder Flush is not for everyone – so be sure to read the CHECKLIST TO FLUSH and make sure you meet all the requirements.



By the end of the program you’ll be pleasantly shocked at how much different you may feel!



This is a program designed to get you started along a new path to heal your health - for good!


Join one of Australia's leading Naturopath's, Helen Padarin, as she mentors you to completely transform your health - and your life - in the flagship online program for Well Embodied.



Want to help keep your gut, liver and gallbladder happy and healthy? 

Doing that helps give you more energy, better metabolism, better nutrient absorption and better gut function. Wins all round! With all our processed food, stressful environments and exposures to environmental toxins our liver has to work overtime these days.


The Gallbladder Flush (with included 9V9) is a guided month of preparation for you followed by a weekend liver and gallbladder flush.

This isn’t your standard cleanse.

And it's as much about what comes 'out' of us as what goes 'into' us. (If you can pick up what we're putting down here?!)

Helen Padarin


Liver and bile duct congestion sets the stage for production of gallstones and potentially more serious, seemingly unrelated, conditions, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Most adults living in the industrialised world, and especially those suffering a chronic illness, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, heart disease, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, cancer, or diabetes, have an accumulation of gall sludge - kind of like sand really, that, if left to settle can turn into gallstones (mainly tiny crystals that escape detection for they are invisible to x-rays, ultrasound, and CT scans) blocking the bile ducts of their liver.

This online program - The Gallbladder Flush - will give you a thorough understanding of the gallbladder and its complex functions, what causes gallstones in the gallbladder, and why these stones are related to so many of the most common chronic diseases prevalent in the world today. We'll also have a dive into what emotions contribute to liver and gallbladder issues and how to safely and effectively help processing and clearing those emotions!

You get live chats with me and my WELL EMBODIED team - Fleur Heaton, Elly Smith, Broc Martin and Shelley Phillips. Seriously, there is just sooooo much support in there for you!

By the end of The Gallbladder Flush you’ll be stoked with how different you feel!

You may experience:

  • Your digestive system functioning better.
  • Your energy and confidence improve.
  • Your immune system given a re-boot.
  • Your taste-buds shift to craving healthier (happier) food
  • Potential weight-loss
  • Feeling like you've let go of a tonne of emotional baggage that was weighing you down (I love this bit of it!)
  • Bucket loads of compliments on your new glow!
  • Better hormone metabolism
  • Relief from mould mycotoxin burden
  • A better gut Microbiome
  • Less (or no more) issues with intestinal parasites
  • Relief from Candida symptoms

This program is designed to get you started along a new path to heal your health - for good!

The Gallbladder flush is NOT FOR EVERYONE – be sure to read the CHECKLIST TO FLUSH first.


And remember, once you're in you have
LIFETIME membership!

That means when you sign up now, you will be able to take part in any future rounds of 9V9 and the GBF! People tell me I'm crazy / too generous to do this, but I really value the power of community and getting these resources and connections out there! 




"Throughout the lead up to and the actual Gallbladder Flush (GBF) you are supported with regular check-ins and Q & As. Helen Padarin and her colleagues share their expertise to educate you while also preparing your body for the GBF.
It’s amazing how many visual benefits there are from undergoing the GBF (including reduced redness in the face, clearer complexion and wider eyes) so imagine its internal benefits!"

Jacqueline H.

Lisa O.

"I found this program at its inception and have done most of the flushes….. I enjoy them. I feel it’s a great tune up for my body each quarter like servicing your car! I’ve always had a ‘fatty’ liver so know how important it is to take care of it & this is one way to do this! I love all the chats & info given throughout the flush & have learned so much about the physical/emotional connection doing this!"

Lisa O.

Leah P.

"As a person with Hashimoto’s, as well as potentially having inhibited detox pathways due to gene SNPs, it is important that I support my detox pathways. The 9v9 program is a simple and easy way to reset the system and remember how amazing veggies are and the impact they can have on our body. After 9v9 the body is prepped and ready to take things to the next level, The liver and gallbladder flush. Every step of the way you are supported with a community. I have done the flush a number of times now and find the whole experience very supportive. Health wise I feel lighter, less inflamed, and more vibrant, my eyes are brighter and my skin clearer. Thank you and can’t wait to join the next round."

Leah P.

"Thanks, Helen. What a great month and reset. Very much changed many things in my lifestyle, and hoping to keep going with many of the aspects - veggies, acv, the tea, psyllium, and enemas!"

Leisl C.

"I had no idea just how much there would be to shift! Mind boggling to think it was all just hanging out in my gallbladder. Finally finished around 6pm. I have loved this course. Thank you so much Helen, you are so giving of your time and knowledge. And bonus is my husband is inspired to give it a go!" 

Liz F.

"I’ve dropped 2kgs, am calmer, more connected to my inner self. I am waking earlier and brighter.
Loving it and can’t wait to see what the next 24 hours bring. Thank you Helen for a great program."

Liv N.

"I’m feeling great and that’s what’s important! Oh and I lost 9 lbs (4.9kgs)!!!!"

Harriet B.

Did you know that when you sign up for The Gallbladder Flush you are going to receive the entire 9V9 Veggie Challenge for FREE?


The 9V9 Veggie Challenge is the quickest and easiest way to kickstart health, happiness and healing - all from the comfort of your own home.

9 cups of veggies a day, for 9 days.


That’s it.

Yep, you can have your steak - and eat it too!


About Helen Padarin

Helen Padarin is one of Australia’s leading experts and loudest voices in the revolution of holistic health driven by real food.

With a knack for breaking down complex concepts into easy-to-implement actions, she is a respected naturopath, nutritionist, medical herbalist and best-selling author renowned for her vast knowledge in all things vitality.

Having worked from one of Sydney’s most highly regarded integrative medical centres for the last 21 years, Helen has now dreamt up and created her own integrative health practice WELL EMBODIED – and it’s all online, so you can access our practitioners no matter where you are in the world.

Helen has an insatiable hunger for knowledge. This has seen her complete a bachelor degree in Health Sciences (Naturopathy) and advanced diplomas in nutrition, herbal medicine and massage. She has also completed extensive post-graduate training in treatment for metabolic, neurologic, digestive and immune disorders.

A prolific writer, Helen was called on to write a chapter on paediatrics for a peer-reviewed Clinical Naturopathic Medicine published by Elsevier in 2011.

However you’re more likely to recognise her as a co-author of her best-selling books “BubbaYumYum” with Charlotte Carr and Pete Evans and "The Complete Gut Health Cookbook" with Pete Evans; the latter debuting at no.1 in the lifestyle charts, and remaining in the top 10 since publication (over 50,000 copies sold and counting!).

Of course, her passion for wellness isn’t just confined to office hours. Helen carries over the themes of nature and health in her downtime, whether that’s walking in nature, playing in the ocean, working on her fitness or spending quality time with her friends and family.

Helen finds nothing more satisfying than seeing patients and clients inadvertently spread inspiration to friends and family around them.

Vitality, it turns out, is contagious!

Helen’s Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Health Sciences (Naturopathy) – University of New England
  • Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy (Nature Care College, Sydney)
  • Diploma of Nutrition (Nature Care College, Sydney)
  • Diploma of Botanical Medicine (Nature Care College, Sydney)
  • Diploma of Remedial Massage (Nature Care College, Sydney)
  • Holistic Lifestyle Coach (CHEK Institute)
  • MAPS (Medical Academy of Paediatric Special Needs ) Practitioner Training

What people have to say about Helen

"Helen has a unique quality not found in other practitioners. Not only does she know how to nourish your cells and body through an in depth understanding of the body and how all our complex systems interact but she also knows how to nourish your soul to ensure that you reach optimum wellness and a place where you can thrive."

-Kirsty Wirth, Kultured Wellness

Kale Brock

"I highly respect Helen's commitment to encouraging and inspiring families on the real food journey and compassionately empowering families to have the tools and resources to optimise their health. As a cardiologist I see the power of food choices on a daily basis. Chronic inflammation has devastating effects and so I can't emphasise enough the importance of instilling real food and lifestyle as medicine from childhood."

-Dr Aseem Malhotra, Cardiologist, UK

Charlotte Carr

"Helen Padarin is a pioneer in the wholefoods movement in Sydney and further afield and is an instrumental force in educating people on real nutrition both in her clinical practice as a naturopath and in her work as an author and speaker. She taught me how to ferment veggies over 10 years ago and this has become one of the core product lines of my business. I'm very grateful for what she has brought to my life personally and to the lives of countless people in the broader community. Wholefoods rockstar!"

-Soulla Chamberlain, Star Anise Organic

Frequently Asked Questions

This program is designed to give you the get you started along a new path and on track to heal your health - for good!


Make this your year and feel revitalised, energised and vibrant.



Ask yourself these questions and make sure you fit the requirements.

  1. I am 18 years of age or older.
  2. I agree not to partake in the weekend flush if I have an acute illness at the time – such as a cold, flu, or other infection that is associated with fever (ok in chronic infections such as thrush / candidiasis or skin infections that are not accompanied with fever).
  3. I have not had any chemotherapy in the last 8 months.
  4. I do not have small bowel obstruction.
  5. I am not feeling weak or emaciated or underweight (If you are any of these, focus first on rebuilding your strength and stamina before attempting a flush).
  6. I do not have active inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis, diverticulosis, numerous polyps or large haemorrhoids. If you have any of these conditions, address them with your health practitioner first, wait until you are in remission, off medication and in a stable state before attempting a flush.
  7. I agree not to partake in the flush if I am experiencing strong abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, have frequent diarrhoea or blood in my stools.
  8. I agree to keep myself well hydrated in the lead up to the flush and during the flush by consuming 2L of good quality water daily (herbal teas are counted in water intake).
  9. If I am currently constipated, I agree to get support during the preparation month with a health care practitioner (a nutritionist or naturopath would be ideal) to address this so that I have complete daily bowel motions by the time it comes to do the flush.
  10. I do not have a stent in my bile duct.
  11. I am not pregnant or breastfeeding.
  12. I am not recovering from recent surgery.
  13. I am not relying on regular use of pain killers (these can interfere with liver function – so first work with your health care practitioner to address the pain, then once off painkillers, do the cleanse).
  14. Am not taking prescription medication (apart from Thyroid Hormone or other hormone replacement therapy, including the oral contraceptive pill). If you are on prescription medication, it is important to review with your health care practitioner before completing the flush. The preparation period however will be very beneficial.